Guide: How to Permanently Remove the Adobe Read­er DC Tools Pane

Just launch a PDF in Adobe Reader DC and you should find a Tools popup window up on the right side of the screen. It surprisingly contains a lot of useful ones features like securing and optimizing PDF – until you find out it’s just a billboard to upgrade to Standard or Pro version. Nice try, Adobe. You can of course get it out of the way by simply hiding it, but that’s when you find the stupid thing showing up every time you reopen the program. While it only takes a click to push it back, the whole process gets old very quickly, especially if you’re constantly dealing with multiple PDFs. Do not give up hope, however. There is a handy option that allows you to hide the Tools panel and make Adobe Reader DC really remember that. And if you hate the panel too much, you will find out too how to get rid of completely permanently. Sounds great, right? Then let’s get started right away!

Permanently hide the Tools panel

FYI, Adobe Reader DC hasn’t actually been released with a way to permanently hide the Tools panel, which is just ridiculous. Fortunately, an update released later – likely due to outrage from seriously annoyed users – prompted Adobe to add an option to finally make that happen. So with a quick visit to the Preferences panel, you should be able to prevent the thing from confronting you every time you open Adobe Reader DC. Step 1: Hide the Tools panel as you normally do. Note: You should do that before going to the Preferences panel, as the option you’re about to enable Adobe Reader DC only remembers the status of the Tools panel – rather than hiding it specifically. Step 2: Click Edit and then select Preferences.

Step 3: Click the Documents side tab, then check the box next to Remember Current State of Tools Pane.

Step 4: Click OK to save your changes.

It should trickYou will not see the Tools panel appear up automatically when reopening Adobe Reader DC more. Note: However, keep in mind that if you unhide the Tools panel and exit the application, it will appear up automatically again. When that happens, it’s just a matter of hiding the window normally so that Adobe Reader DC remembers your action.

Remove the Tools panel completely

Although Adobe has been thoughtful enough to eventually provide an option that prevents the Tools panel from appearing up automatically, the position where it collapses – right next to the all things scroll bar – can cause a lot of frustration. Seriously, the last thing you want is to accidentally click that thin strip of pixels when you use the scroll bar, which will instantly pop the Tools panel back upAnd to make matters worse, the panel partially hides your document or zooms out to make room for itself, affecting your productivity. Since the entire panel is mostly made up of paid upgrades, consider getting rid of it completely to avoid getting that annoying. And for the few options that are actually usable – Comment, Export PDF, etc. – you can still access them from the Tools tab or the menu bar. So it is not as if you are missing out on something. Important: The following procedure requires modifying a file in the Adobe Reader DC directory. Therefore, close the application before proceeding. Step 1: Press Windows-R to open the Run box. Then copy and paste the file path below into the search box and click OK. C: Program Files (x86) AdobeAcrobat Reader DCReaderAcroAppENU Note: If applicable, replace ‘C’ with the correct drive letter of the partition where the operating system is installed on your PC. Step 2: Right-click on the file named Viewer.aapp and select Properties from the context menu.

Step 3: Click the Security tab, then click Edit.

Step 4: Under Group or usernames, click Users and then check the box next to Full Control.

Click Apply and then click OK to save your changes. Do the same in the Properties dialog box. Step 5: Back upup of the Viewer.aapp file to another location on your hard drive. That should allow you to easily undo any changes in case you need the Tools panel in the future.

Step 6: Right-click the file again, but this time select Open with.

Step 7: On the pop-up box that shows up, select Notepad and click OK. Note: If you don’t see Notepad in the box, click More apps to open it up see.

Step 8: Highlight and delete the text portion between and including it and tags as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 9: Click File and then Save. Then close Notepad.

Launch Adobe Reader DC and voila! The Tools panel should be gone forever. Never bring it accidentally again up when using the scroll bar. Tip To get the Tools panel back, simply copy and overwrite the modified Viewer.aapp file with the backup file you created earlier.

Tidy is neat!

The Tools panel is super annoying, but now you know how to hide it or permanently remove the thing from view. And you should also be much more focused from the start because you don’t have to worry about dealing with such an annoyance anymore. Tidy is neat! So, what do you think about Adobe’s small attempts to get users to upgrade to a paid version? The comments section is on the right below.

How to Permanently Remove the Adobe Read­er DC Tools Pane: benefits


Final note

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