How To Pin Comments On Instagram App Via Smartphone – Guide

Instagram, the world’s most popular photo-sharing platform, never ceases to amaze users with innovations. features. And one of the latest cool additions to the things you can do on Instagram is pin comments to Posts, Lives, Reels, and Stories. You can now pin comments on Instagram and highlight them to the public. Pinning comments is nothing new on social media. YouTube already had it feature for a long time. When you upload an image or video to Instagram, many people see it. Many other users comment on your posts. Because of this, a comment can be really genuine and related to your post. But the comments are usually in random order. The best of ten reviews can be at the bottom of the list. So if you flag a comment, it will appear at the top and everyone can see it. It’s also a great way to weed out the idiotic and intimidating comments that are often a curse on social media. The good thing is that you can pin more than one comment to a post. As said, it will spread positive and genuine comments. A few days ago Instagram released this feature for the public. They even notified their users via Twitter. Instagram pinned comments are similar to pinned posts and comments on other platforms. With this feature, users can now pin up to three of your favorite comments on your posts, which appear above a topic.

How to pin comments on Instagram app via smartphone

Pin an Instagram comment on Android

If you want to pin comments to an Instagram post, you need to follow the simple steps shared below. The method only works on the Android version of Instagram.

Pin an Instagram Comment on iPhone

Pinning comments on Instagram for iOS is a little different, but easy. Here’s what you need to do.

Pin comments on Instagram Live

Instagram Live allows you to pin your own comments in the comments section. So if you often go live on Instagram and want to pin comments, you need to follow this guide.

Final note

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