How to Play DOS Games on Android Devices – Guide

DOS games were very popular back then. Due to modern Windows software, these old DOS games cannot run on Windows 7 and Windows 8 due to compatibility issues. If you want to play DOS games, you can play them on any Android phone with an Android app called andosbox. With this app you can play DOS games on Android. So are you ready to travel back in time to play DOS games? First you need to change the input method on your android phone and set it to swype because normal keyboard in andosbox doesn’t work when you use samsung android phone but it works with others phones. To select “Choose Swype Keyboard”, go to “Settings” > “Locale & Text” > “Choose Input Method” > “Swype”. While it’s not the most complex process in the world, you can definitely be forgiven for not knowing where to start. That’s why we decided to create this guide. Emulating DOS on Android and Chomebooks (with Play Store support) is totally doable and you can up and up and running in minutes.

How to Play Dos Games on Android

You need to download prince of persia dos game and dos emulator for android andosbox from the links below. AnDosBox is not a free app, so you need to buy it.


Settings for AnDosBox to play Dos games

Final note

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