How to Post Missing Photos and Videos on Instagram – Guide

Not all Instagram messages are worth keeping in chats forever. Of course, you can delete messages manually, but it is time consuming. This is where the ability to send disappearing photos or videos comes in. These messages automatically expire after the person sees them or after you close the chat window, depending on which method you use. We explore two ways to upload disappearing photos and videos on Instagram in this post. Read the section on final to answer your questions about screenshots, save disappearing messages and more. Not all Instagram messages are worth keeping in chats forever. Of course, you can delete messages manually, but it is time consuming. This is where the ability to send disappearing photos or videos comes in. These messages automatically expire after the person sees them or after you close the chat window, depending on which method you use. We explore two ways to upload disappearing photos and videos on Instagram in this post.

How to send disappearing images and videos on Instagram

Final note

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