How to Prevent Users from Changing Proxy Settings in Windows 10 – Guide

Windows 10 has many advanced features features to manage or customize various aspects of the operating system. Likewise, it supports advanced network settings options. One of them is proxy configuration, which is very useful for users in terms of privacy, speed and traffic monitoring. It is an important factor in incognito browsing as the data is not requested directly but passes through the proxy server which helps users to hide the public network address. There are several other reasons to use a proxy server. So if you want to disable changing proxy settings for users, you can do so in Windows 10. This can be useful if you have configured your proxy settings on the system and you don’t want users to change them. In this article, we will show you step by step how to disable proxy switching feature on Windows 10, which is available in the Settings app.

How to prevent users from changing proxy settings in Windows 10

Disable settings with group policy

Disable settings with the registry

Final note

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