How to prevent users from installing Extensions in Google Chrome – Guide

Windows users can be blocked from installing apps by an administrator. This is a fairly simple process that involves limited permissions for a given Windows account. For apps that the user has access to, they are typically free to customize it. For example, Chrome allows users to install extensions. If you want to prevent a specific user from installing an extension or running one that’s already installed, there’s nothing in Chrome that lets you do that. A simple solution to the problem exists in the form of Windows folder permissions. Here’s what you have to do.

How to prevent users from installing extensions in Google Chrome

Prevent users from installing extensions in Chrome using Group Policy

To prevent users from installing extensions on Google Chrome using Group Policy, follow these steps- You need to first add the group policy template for Google Chrome to use the local group policy method. To get started, press Win+R to display the Run prompt on the screen. After that type gpedit.msc and press Enter button to open the Local Group Policy Editor on your PC. Then navigate to the following path. Then click on Show button, enter * as the Value and click on OK button button to save the change. You may have to click OK button again. Once this is done, all your existing extensions will be disabled and users will not be able to install new extensions. Whenever someone tries to open the Chrome Web Store to install an extension, they will be blocked by the admin message.

Prevent users from installing extensions in Chrome using the Registry

To prevent users from installing extensions on Google Chrome using the Registry, follow these steps:

Final note

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