Guide: How to Prevent Your Emails From Being Tracked

Like the Internet, everyone follows the email they send you. You may know, but it’s incredibly easy to add a tracker to every email sent. So simple, in fact, that most email campaigns turn it on by default. It’s just a bit of metadata embedded in the email itself that provides information to the sender, such as exactly when the email was opened, how many times it was opened, and sometimes even where it was opened from. While we expect this stuff from email campaigns (hey, trackers are going to track), but it’s a whole different thing when your coworker or friend does it. And they probably are. With services like MailTrack and Mixmax that make it so easy. We’ve told you about MailTrack before. All you need to do is install the Chrome extension, enable it, and every email you send is instantly traceable by default. While it’s nice from here, it might not be like it’s on the other side. If you’re the kind of person who doesn’t really want to give email campaigns or if your colleagues have the pleasure of keeping up with your email habits, we have a solution for you.


Trackbuster is a service that basically removes the trackers from your email. And you don’t need to install an extension or anything else. It’s just a service. This is how it works: you give Trackbuster access to your Gmail account, it blocks the trackers for each new email, and labels the email as “untracked” when they have some sort of tracking blocked. Since this is a Gmail label, you can view all such emails in the sidebar.

Start by going to their website and entering the email address you want to block the tracking from (currently only Gmail and Google Apps accounts are supported). You must authorize your email account. So click Continue on the next page.

Here, select the appropriate Gmail account or log into an account, give it access to your Gmail account to get started.

You will then be taken back to the website. Click on Get started and the service will start scanning the last 100 emails and block tracking. It will also do the same for any incoming email.

Tested, works

I have tested Trackbuster with both Mixmax and MailTrack and it successfully blocked tracking attempts from both services.

Even after opening the mail a few times from the email address I received it in, the sender address had no idea. It just showed that no one had opened the email yet. It also had no information about the location.

Privacy: Trackbuster must of course go through your mail to disable the invisible trackers. But it says on their security page that they do it anonymously and automatically. This means a server will just go through your email and delete the tracker code, that’s it.

Happy freedom

Now that email tracking is off, relax a bit. Hey, your boss or colleague can no longer put pressure on you know you read an email they sent you.

How to Prevent Your Emails From Being Tracked: benefits


Final note

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