How to Print Documents Using Android Devices – Guide

As our world transitions into a digital phase, not everything has to be digital. Sometimes you need to take a digital document and print it on a real piece of paper. On computers this is a pretty straightforward process – if you have a printer installed, just start a document in whatever word processor/document viewer you use, tap the “Print” button button and if you have a printer attached, connect to the computer through a network or physical cable, the document will be sent to the printer. You might think you always need a computer for that, but you’re wrong. If your printer allows it, you can also print directly from your Android phone. Previously, Google incorporated an option for this in the form of Google Cloud Print, which allows users to connect to Google Chrome and Android printers. phones and print documents directly from the cloud. But as of December 31, 2020, Google Cloud Print has been discontinued by Google citing improvements to Chrome OS native printing, as well as several other cloud printing solutions available. Modern devices have evolved into amazing tools that can handle almost any task you throw at them. Desktop printers, which used to require a wired connection to a computer, have also evolved. Now you can easily print from Android smartphones and tablets, sometimes from all over the world!

How to print using Google Cloud Print

Google’s Cloud Print is a technology that lets you print files from any device, anywhere — whether you’re on the same Wi-Fi network as the printer or not. It’s the best way to print from Android devices because it’s built into Android itself, which means you don’t have to download or manage any third-party software. To use Cloud Print, you will have to go through a few different steps, described below. If Cloud Print is not installed on your smartphone, you can easily download it here from the Google Play Store.

Adding a Printer to Google Cloud Print

To use a printer through Cloud Print on Android, you first need to add it to the service. Before proceeding with the steps below, make sure the printer is turned on and that the printer and Android device are connected to the Wi-Fi network.

How to print using Google Cloud Print

Once you have successfully added a printer to Google Cloud Print, you can easily print a file. Follow the steps below to print a file or image from your Android phone using Google Cloud Print.

Final note

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