How to Protect Personal information when Browsing from Phone – Guide

Worried about how much of your private information is on the internet and vulnerable to theft or misuse? Online privacy is an important issue. But there are steps you can take to manage and protect your financial and personal information as you browse your favorite social media, news and entertainment sites. A smart way to protect your privacy online? Don’t share too much on social media. Providing too much information on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram can make it easier for cyber criminals to obtain identifying information that could allow them to steal your identity or access your financial information. With hacker threats constantly emerging, it is becoming increasingly important for businesses and consumers to heed privacy notices. Standard security practices can significantly improve your security when using your smartphone and sharing information or shopping online. For example, could an identity thief find your high school mascot or your mother’s maiden name by searching your Facebook account? Your habits in these places don’t just affect your personal information, but everyone who uses the network. This information is sometimes used as security questions to change financial account passwords. While your smartphone may be the device you use the most, chances are you also have other devices you use on home and at work.

Set secure passwords

Update your passwords for the apps and websites you used to make it harder for hackers to break in. We recommend setting a slightly different password for each app or website. That way, if a password is compromised, the hacker won’t have access to all of your different accounts.

Use two-factor authentication

With advanced passwords, hackers can still break into your account, although the risk is minimized. When available, it’s good to use two-factor authentication. This usually means that you need to identify yourself in a second way, in addition to entering a password. On smartphones, this is usually done via app notification or email confirmation.

Be selective when downloading software

Always download apps from official app stores. Read reviews and do a little research on the publisher to make sure the software is reliable. It is not uncommon for hackers to inject malicious software into mobile applications.

Always connect to secure Wi-Fi

Let’s admit something everyone is guilty of: as soon as we sit in a cafe or restaurant, we check the WiFi. WiFi can save data on your paid plan, but it’s important not to connect to unsecured WiFi networks. To increase security on WiFi networks, you should always connect through a VPN. Using a VPN means you can enjoy a secure Wi-Fi connection even when browsing public networks.

Keep device operating system Up-Up to the present date

Your phone updates are required to improve your experience. It usually refers to improving performance or security. These updates are usually frequent and can sometimes take a few minutes to load, including restarting the device. Many people tend to disable automatic updates for these reasons. This increases the risk of phone running outdated software. As a result, your phone is vulnerable to new threats and hackers that specifically target outdated operating systems.

Final note

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