How To Rank Higher on Google Maps – Guide

Appearing in Google local searches increases a business’s visibility to current and potential customers. One of the best ways to do this is by creating a Google Maps listing. 83% of US shoppers who visited a physical store in a week said they used online research before going to the physical store, according to Google’s 2019 Research Review. In March 2019, “mobile searches are for ‘store open near me’ up more than 250 percent in the last two years” and mobile search for ‘where to buy’ + ‘near me’ up more than 200 percent.” The data also shows that customers looking for local businesses do so with the intention of making a purchase. According to SEO Expert, 46% of all Google searches are for a local business and over 50% of shoppers using “near me” searches drive customers to visit a physical store. A Google Maps listing not only helps customers find your business, it also allows you to stand out from the competition. Visibility of your business through Google Maps can increase accessibility and awareness.

Tips to rank higher on Google Maps

Check your Google My Business listing

Verifying or claiming your GMB listing is a way to unlock multiple features and rank your business higher on Google Maps. An unclaimed listing only gives access to features like adding a name, category, and location, so it’s important to claim your listing. To claim your GMB listing, you need to create your free Google My Business account. After creating your GMB account, select the option “Claim this business” or “Own this business” and follow the instructions and steps. Once you’ve created your GMB account and claimed your listing, you’ll have options to add more details and information to improve your Google Maps SEO.

Add information to your GMB listing

Adding information to your GMB listing is another crucial step in improving Google’s local SEO and online reach through Google Maps. When adding information to your GMB listing, there are certain things you should consider for better SEO, which include:

Upload images to your GMB listing

Uploading good quality images for your Google My Business listing is essential as people like to see photos of your products or store before visiting or contacting you. It will also make your listing look good and complete in search results and help SEO. Uploading photos to your listing means your business and account are active and can be trusted. You can also upload images of your latest product or happy customers to stand out and get more leads.

Ask for reviews

A business or customer experience rating is solely dependent on the service and professionalism you provide to the customer. You can get a negative review if you don’t provide a good service and this will affect your overall Google My Business SEO. In order for your listing to look good on first impressions, it’s important to get as many positive reviews as possible. To get more positive reviews, ask your happy or satisfied customers to leave comments and ratings on Google. The more positive reviews and reviews you get, the more people trust your brand and services.

A responsive website is essential

Since Google My Business allows you to add your business website link, your website must be responsive for a better user experience. Make sure the website you develop performs well on all devices such as smartphones, desktops and tablets. You should actively check your website load time on different devices and for serious errors.

Final note

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