How to recover deleted files in Windows 10 and 11 – Guide

Microsoft’s latest operating system is not immune to data loss, but it has many features that let you recover deleted files that Windows 11 can no longer see and open. The operating system is also compatible with various third-party data recovery software tools, so there are plenty of recovery options to choose from for all types of data loss. Loss of data costs businesses and home users a huge amount of money every year. It’s because? Because the causes are many and it is sometimes difficult to prepare for them in advance. The Windows 10/11 era is just beginning, and many users are already facing a problem that we at Handy Recovery have a lot of experience with: Data loss. The good news is that it is possible to recover permanently deleted files in Windows 10/11 using the same proven techniques you may already know from previous versions of Microsoft’s operating system. Otherwise, you can find detailed step-by-step instructions to follow in this article.

How to recover deleted files in Windows 10 and 11

Recover Deleted Files or Folders from Recycle Bin in Windows 10 and 11

Restore Files or Folders in Windows 10 and 11 Using File History

Final note

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