Adware, however, is now more aggressive and constantly shows streams pop-ups, insert ads on websites, and add your own ads to search results pages. This type of conduct can make it difficult to use websites or browse the internet properly. Worse still, they do not provide an uninstall procedure or make adware incredibly difficult to remove. Mentioned below are the steps to remove Adware on Windows.

Steps to Remove Adware on Windows

Boot into safe mode with networking support. With all removable media (such as CDs and thumb drives) removed, restart your computer in safe mode. Launch your browser to check for unauthorized extensions or add-ons. Often, adware takes the form of browser extensions or add-ons. Check your browser homepage, search engines and other standards. Sometimes adware hijacks your browser’s default page and search engines. See which programs are set to start automatically. Press Win+S to launch the search field. Type msconfig in the blank to launch the system configuration panel. When it appears in the search results, click on the file. If you are asked to confirm, select “Yes” or “OK”. Save your settings and restart your computer. If you are using Windows 7 or earlier, click “Apply” and then “OK”. If you are using Windows 8 or later, just click the X to close the Task Manager window.

Final Words

So here we end our article on how to remove Adware on Windows. Threat actors can make money by automatically displaying an annoying amount of web advertising on a user’s screen using adware. This form of malicious software, unlike the advertising that appears alongside the content on web pages, poses as legitimate software, apps or applications to trick people into installing it, which results in a series of ads that will damage your device.

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