Guide: How to remove Background in Pixlr software

Whether for fun or a professional design job, there are tons of reasons why we want to remove the background from some photos. It is one of the basic skills of both professional and amateur graphic designers. If you belong to the second category, you may think you need to get expensive photo editing software. Fortunately that is not the case. All you need to do is visit the online Pixlr editor in your browser. It’s free to use and quite capable of getting the job done. So let’s start with removing the background.

Wave that wand (or throw that lasso)

After opening your image, it’s time to grab the magic wand. Like all tools, it is in the toolbar on the left side of the screen. You can find it in the top segment.

Before starting this tool, you need to set Tolerance in the menu bar above. This setting allows you to change how detailed your “magic touch” will be. So the more detail in the background, the greater the tolerance. For a simple object with sharp edges in front of the white background, the tolerance of three is sufficient. The image below is a bit more complicated, so we went for 25.

After you use the Magic Wand tool, some smaller parts will remain unselected. To add them to the selection, hold down Shift and click on them with the Magic Wand Tool. If your image has a lot more detail, this kind of magic may not work. Then it is better to use the Lasso tool and make the selection by hand. If you have a very steady hand you can use the Freehand Lasso, but we recommend the Polygonal as it allows you to make the selection gradually.

Reverse the magic

Now that you’ve made the selection with the Magic Wand Tool (or the Lasso Tool), it’s time to invert it. The reason for this is that we don’t want the background, but the object in front of it. It is much easier to select a solid blue colored field with the Magic Wand tool. That’s because we can quickly shift the selection to the lady. To do this, choose ‘Edit’ from the menu bar above and click ‘Invert Selection’. The change is pretty obvious: the dotted line is now around our lady (and the Earth and letters). The task is almost complete.

Transport to the transparent realm

It’s time to get rid of that background for good. To do that, navigate to the menu bar and choose “Edit” again. This time click on ‘Copy’. This will copy the selected area. Since we don’t want the background, our goal is to transport it to a blank canvas.

So the next step is to prepare that blank canvas. Choose ‘File’ from the menu bar and then click on ‘New Image’.

In the dialog box that appears up, you can choose the name of your new background-free image. The preset bellows should be there automatically. The width and height should be there too, based on the original. Make sure to check the two checkboxes below. We’ll create our edited image based on the clipboard image and we want it transparent because that means there is no background.

After you click the “OK” button, the new image will have a “checkered” background, which means it has no background. Choose the ‘Edit’ section again, but now click on ‘Paste’. That will transport the image of our lady to our new canvas, with no background.

The manual labor

Here’s about the magic part. You will find that the edges need to be cleaned up, and that is manual work. So it’s time to choose the Eraser tool in the toolbar. After clicking on the Eraser tool, you need to click on the Brush tool in the bar above. That way you can choose the size of the brush. You may need to switch formats from time to time depending on the project. If you reach a smaller area, you should also choose a smaller brush.

Using your cursor as an eraser, you need to carefully clean the edges. It may take a while, but some handy shortcuts can make the job easier. If you accidentally pass the age, you can press CTRL + Z to undo your last move. You will probably also need to zoom in and out during this clean up process. Use the shortcut keys CTRL + and CTRL – for this.


Now you just need to save your new image. Choose ‘File’ from the menu bar and then click ‘Save As’. You can save your effort as a JPEG file. It is the most user-friendly file extension, but at the same time the least professional.

The problem is that JPEG files always have a background. It can be white, but it is still a background. On the other hand, PNG files can have transparent backgrounds. So if your goal is to keep the image as it is, save it as a PNG file.

Magic start, precise finish

While Pixlr online editor’s tools really allow you to create magic, that magic won’t lead you straight to the finish line. You will have to wrap it up manual. Nevertheless, this last step isn’t complicated – it just requires precision and a little patience. If you know of another magical shortcut, share it in the comments.

How to remove Background in Pixlr software: benefits


Final note

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