How to Remove Gmail Account from iPhone and iPad – Guide

Removing a Gmail account is the opposite of adding a Gmail account on iOS devices. There are different ways to remove Gmail account from iPhone and iPad. You can remove it from Settings or the Gmail app. If you are logged into your Gmail account in Safari, you will need to remove the email account as well. Otherwise, it will log into the same email account every time you use it. In this article, you will learn how to perform this task in every way possible. Before moving on to the guidelines, you should know that removing a Gmail account from all these methods will not prevent you from accessing Google apps like Gmail, YouTube, Google Maps, Google Drive and other Google apps. However, you cannot access synced contacts, calendar apps, and notes. To do this, you need an associated Gmail account. Also, the steps to remove a Gmail account are the same for iPhone and iPad. Now let’s remove Gmail account from Settings on iOS devices.

How to Remove Gmail Account from an iPhone and iPad

How to Remove Gmail Account from Gmail App

How to Remove Gmail Account from Safari

If you had used Safari to access your Gmail account, it would continue to show up and sign in automatically until you removed it. Fortunately, you can do this without clearing Safari’s cache and data.

Final note

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