How to Remove Google Profile Picture – Guide

The profile picture in your Google Account is used across all Google services, including Gmail, YouTube, Google Meet, Hangouts, and more. However, if you don’t feel comfortable showing it to others, you will always have the option to delete your Google profile picture from your account. Here, we will show you an easy way to remove profile picture from your Google account on computer, Android and iOS. Many people add photos to their Google profile when creating their account. However, they may want to change it later or delete it from their profile. Your profile picture will be removed from your Google account immediately. will not appear anymore up on Gmail, YouTube, Hangouts, Google Meet or any other Google service. You can add or change the photo later by repeating the steps above. Since Google accounts are used for many platforms, most people have a profile picture. In some cases, this image may be out of date or inappropriate.

How to Remove Google Profile Picture

If you’re ready, start by opening a web browser on your device and going to the Google Account website. There, log in to your Google account if you haven’t already done so.

Final note

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