Guide: How to Remove Harm­ful Soft­ware on Chrome Browser

Like other web browsers, Chrome also faces all kinds of issues with malicious extensions and other forms of potentially unwanted software. And for a long time, you had to jump through different hoops to make things right in case something terrible happened. Most of the time, a full reset or reinstall was almost always on the card. The release of the Chrome Cleanup Tool changes everything. Download and run the Chrome Cleanup Tool to remove adamant extensions and other forms of harmful malware. It was effortless, but Google didn’t keep up for too long. In an effort to make it even more convenient, Chrome is now integrating the tool inside. Did you manage to find it yet? How does it work and when should you use it? Understandably, there can be many questions. So without further ado, let’s take a look at how to use the Chrome Cleanup Tool and discuss when to use it.

Find and remove malicious software

The Chrome Cleanup Tool, after integrating directly with Google Chrome, is now aptly listed as an option called ‘Find and Remove Malicious Software’ deep in the browser’s advanced settings panel. In action, the tool works quite simply – just command it to run and it automatically scans for and removes unwanted extensions, misconfigurations, malicious system processes and other potentially unwanted software on your computer. Unlike a dedicated antivirus, the cleanup tool only removes software that directly affects Chrome. So don’t consider it a substitute for system-wide protection. So how do you get into it? Type ‘chrome: // settings / cleanup’ in the address bar of a new tab and hit Enter to open the tool immediately. Note: An alternate, but longer way to get to the built-in cleanup tool is to click Advanced in the Settings panel (click Settings in the Chrome menu). Then scroll all the way down and click Clean Up Computer. Click Search to scan for malicious software. But before you do that, consider turning off the slider next to Report details to Google if you don’t want the tool to send the results of malicious software or extensions on your system to the Chrome development team.

After you initiate a scan, it will take a while for the whole process to complete. The tool will ask for your permission to remove it if it finds malicious software. Click Delete when prompted.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about the whole thing, and you should have a much more stable and secure browser after that.

When to find and remove malicious software

Over the years, Chrome has improved significantly in maintaining its integrity against malicious attacks. Hence, you should rarely consider running the built-in cleanup tool. The checklist below should help you identify cases where you need to take matters into your own hands.

Extensions that refuse to be removed

Have you downloaded a harmless looking extension that is not working as expected? If you can’t remove it, it probably has malicious intent. Go ahead and run the cleanup tool and the extension should be removed automatically. Be sure to read future user reviews and ratings of extensions in the Online Store before installing them. That way, you avoid installing malware that arises regarding their true nature. Note: It’s also a good idea to avoid side-loading extensions outside of the Web Store unless you really need to.

Has your Chrome homepage suddenly changed? Or do you get questions from a search engine you’ve never heard of? If it is no longer possible to return to your default home page or search engine, then you have a hijacked browser. And the solution? Start a scan for malicious software.

For example, MySearch is a notorious browser hijacker that generates bad or harmful search results. Most of the time, things like this happen due to questionable bloatware installed alongside free programs. Therefore, always make sure to disable any additional tools or utilities that certain installation wizards may try to slip through unnoticed.

Strange pop-ups or constant ads

Do you regularly receive pop-up notifications or strange looking ads? Particularly those who annoy you to download some security tool or want you to claim a prize from a drawing you didn’t even participate in? If they even show up on sites you trust, it’s best to clean up. And to prevent this type of problem from happening again, you should refrain from downloading and installing suspicious extensions or software from untrustworthy sources.

Chrome is considerably slow

If Chrome is running slower than normal, it could be due to a malicious process consuming system resources by running in the background of the browser. In such cases, you should definitely consider using the cleanup tool.

Other unusual patterns of behavior, such as constant freezes or crashes, should also alert you to the fact that it’s time to get the cleanup tool up and run.

Kudos, Google!

Google Chrome’s built-in cleanup tool saves time because you don’t have to fix things manually yourself. Sure, there can still be instances where a browser reset is on the cards, but for most issues, Chrome itself should ask to find and remove malicious software. trick fine. But before calling it a day, also consider running a dedicated malware scanner in case you come across malicious software. The cleaning tool may not remove all traces of a malicious program, so it is always better to stay on the safe side.

How to Remove Harm­ful Soft­ware on Chrome Browser: benefits

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Final note

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