How to Remove media widgets from Android Quick Settings – Guide

Arguably one of Android’s most useful packages, the addition of media widgets to the Quick Settings panel is a relatively new addition. feature. Like widgets in general, especially on Android 12. In short, this widget offers an available area by swiping down on notifications. Effective display of all media played on the device. Be it music from an app or a website in Chrome. Each app occupies its own area, which you can access by swiping left or right on an individual widget. But that doesn’t mean everyone gets excited when widgets are displayed. up. Potential embarrassment aside, do you really want everyone to know you’re listening to this song? The panel takes up lots of space in the UI. This can result in extra movement and gestures just to get where you need to be. Now, there are actually two ways to handle the media widgets that appear in the drop-down shadow in the quick settings menu. This method works best if media widgets are just a nuisance sometimes. The following steps will temporarily close the Play widget and allow finer control over it. But it won’t remove them completely or permanently. This is useful if, for example, you want to temporarily hide the playback of a certain media item.

Hide or Remove Media Widget in Quick Settings

Final note

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