How to Remove Tab Categories on Gmail – Guide

Google didn’t just enter the game when it entered the Internet market years ago. Since then, the company has been offering its users products that meet people’s needs and problems. Over time, Google also acquired many products from other companies that expanded its product ecosystem and made it a company with a wide range of services. Gmail is neither new nor foreign. It was Google’s own service that helped users communicate via email and offered features that made it easier for them to use email. The service has gone through many iterations, and what we have today is a powerful platform for sending and receiving emails, not to mention the others. features offers. As you may know, Gmail divides your emails into different categories. There are socials, promotions and the rest. the problem with that feature is that you might miss important emails if they fall into these categories. if you want to know how to disable these categories, you’ve come to the right place.

How to remove categories in Gmail on computer

To remove inbox categories in Gmail, follow these steps:

How to Remove Categories in Gmail on iOS

To remove categories in Gmail on iPhone/iPad, follow these steps:

How to Remove Categories in Gmail on Android

Follow these steps to disable categories in Gmail on your Android device:

Final note

I hope you like the guide How to Remove Tab Categories on Gmail. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.