How to Remove the Chat Taskbar Icon on Windows 11 PC – Guide

If you’ve recently updated your device to Windows 11, you’ve noticed a few things that the Start menu is now in the center and next to it are three new icons: Task View, Widgets, and Chat buttons. The easiest way to remove the chat icon from the taskbar is to disable it. To do this, right-click on an empty area of ​​your taskbar and click Taskbar Settings button that shows. A new settings window will open titled Personalization > Taskbar. Microsoft still recommends downloading the full Microsoft Teams app for work or school accounts, so the chat app is gathering dust on the taskbar and there seems to be no way to remove it easily. Fortunately, there’s an easy solution you can use to make your taskbar smaller and limit it to just the apps and shortcuts you need. While the task view and widget icons are useful for most users, there are probably not many Microsoft Teams Chat users out there. So if you’re not one of them, here are some ways to get rid of this unnecessary app from your taskbar.

How to hide the chat Button in the Windows 11 taskbar

How to Uninstall Microsoft Teams from Windows 11

Final note

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