How to Remove Widgets from Windows 11 PC Taskbar – Guide

In Windows 11, the widget drawer is huge. But what if you don’t want widgets? You may not be able to banish it completely, but you can remove the Widgets button from the taskbar in just a few simple steps. If you don’t use the search icon or even the task view, you can also remove these icons from the taskbar. Widgets is Windows 11 reboot of News and Interests, Windows 10 feature which pre-selects news, weather, sports scores and stock quotes and collects them in a small widget at the bottom of the screen. Before removing the Windows 11 screen widget, check out the new time and weather display features date on. Discover the new highlights of your choice with the Windows + W key combination. One downside of these widgets is that they are immobile and cannot be resized. On Windows 11, however, clicking the Widgets button button pulls out a giant widget drawer from the left side of the screen, complete with a search window in the latest version. There’s weather, local traffic, your Microsoft to-do lists, your OneDrive photos, sports and eSports, your stock watchlist, and tips. To some, it will look huge and disgusting.

Remove widgets via the context menu

In this method, we will use the context menu to remove Widgets from the taskbar. First, you need to follow some of the simple steps given below.

Remove widgets via settings app

In addition to the context menu, you can rely on the Windows 11 Settings app to remove the taskbar widget button. Here it is how to remove the widgets button through the Settings app in Windows 11.

Using Registry Editor

Alternatively, you can also rely on the Windows Registry to disable Windows 11 taskbar widgets. For that, you need to follow some of the simple steps below.

Final note

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