How to Remove your Microsoft Edge Tabs from Alt+Tab Switcher – Guide

Windows 11 and Windows 10 ship with Microsoft Edge as the default browser. By default, when you press Alt + Tab in Windows 11/10, thumbnails of open application windows and all open tabs in the Microsoft Edge browser are displayed. If you’re using the latest version of Windows and you press ALT+TAB to switch between apps, you’ll notice that Edge tabs are now also displayed. This is a good option, but if you have a lot of tabs open in your Edge browser, it won’t be easy to find the exact program you need. However, it is very easy to undo the change on Windows 11/10 operating systems. With the latest update to the Windows 10 operating system, Microsoft has introduced a new feature which makes Edge browser tabs appear by default in the “Alt+Tab” task toggle window. While the feature may be useful for most users, it’s not for everyone. If you are one of those who don’t like to add Edge tabs in task switcher, here are step by step instructions on how to disable the feature on your Windows 10 computer. Tab switching feature on Windows helps us navigate applications using Alt+Tab keyboard shortcuts. beyond the new feature of Windows 10, you can also navigate MS Edge browser tabs using Alt+Tab key combination. This is a useful feature, but it might not be very useful for you. In this scenario, you can remove Microsoft Edge tabs from the Alt+Tab toggle function. If you want to disable this feature on Windows 10, you need to follow some steps. In this article, we will discuss the steps you should take to disable Microsoft Edge tabs in Alt+Tab Switcher. Just follow the steps mentioned below and remove the feature.

How to remove your Microsoft Edge tabs from Alt+Tab switch

Final note

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