How to Rename Audio Devices in Windows 10 – Guide

In Windows 10, there are several options that allow you to change sounds for various system events, configure output and input devices, and much more. Starting with Windows 10, Microsoft added the ability to rename audio devices in the Settings app. Windows 10 introduced a new style for items and their/smaller windows that open in the notification area. All applets open in the taskbar now look different. This includes the date/time panel, the action center, the network panel and even the volume control. If you click the sound icon on the taskbar, the new volume indicator will appear on the screen. It makes sense to rename your devices as you might want to connect multiple devices at the same time but like to switch between them. Switching between devices is the easiest part, but also the most complicated. I say “complicated” because the devices connected to your system may be from the same company. You may not remember the device name every time. The option to rename audio devices is hidden in the settings. So, if you want to rename audio devices in Windows 10, read the following article.

How to Rename Audio Devices in Windows 10

Rename sound input device in settings

Rename sound output device in settings

Rename sound input device from sound control panel

Rename sound output device from sound control panel

Final note

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