How to Reset a Ring Doorbell – Guide

To reset the ringtone, press and hold the up button button on the device for about 30 seconds. You will know that the ringer has been successfully reset when you see a white light rotating or flashing on the front of the device. Reset is complete when the light is off. This reset process can take several minutes. If you are keeping your ringer, you will need to add it back to the Ring app after resetting it. You can find instructions below at how to do this, plus what to do if you are getting rid of your ring doorbell.

Resetting a ringer to fix an issue

You may experience a hardware or connectivity issue with your ring doorbell such as the device not connecting to Wi-Fi properly. You may also have a problem with a feature, such as night vision. In such cases, resetting the device may fix the problem.

How to Reset a ringtone to disconnect your account

Another reason to reset a Ring doorbell is so you can sell it or give it to another user. You don’t need to do anything with the doorbell. Instead, disconnect the doorbell from your account in the Ring app so it can be registered and used by someone new.

Final note

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