How to reset Advertising ID on Android smartphone – Guide

Did you know that your phone have a secret identifier that every advertiser wants to get their hands on? It’s called Advertising ID and it helps tech giants, advertisers and third parties track your mobile application activity. However, it only takes a few moments to regain your privacy, so keep reading. The advertising identifier (ID) is an anonymous identifier that is unique on Android devices used for advertising purposes. While there is no option to turn it off, there is an option to safely reset the ad ID. I often do this to create a separate user profile and avoid targeted marketing on my Samsung phone. App developers (and Google) may use the Advertising Identifier API to access IDs on users’ devices; For example, identifying users and devices for targeted advertising. It is only used by apps offered on Google Play and is the only permanent identifier allowed for all advertising purposes. An Advertising ID is a user-resettable identifier assigned to you by your mobile device or operating system. Android users will receive a Google Play ID, while iPhone owners will receive their iOS ID. These IDs are similar to cookies and are used for advertising purposes. They can help developers track your movement and mobile application usage. This information may be shared (or sold) with advertisers and third parties who will populate you with targeted advertisements.

Reset Advertising ID on Android Smartphone

Final note

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