How to Restore Delet­ed Files on Mac – Guide

Almost everyone accidentally deleted a file at some point. Whether it’s family photos or important documents, all files are just data on your hard drive, and that data doesn’t really disappear after you delete them. There are several ways to recover them after they are sent to the recyclable garbage can. Today we are going to show you some ways to recover these files because, even when things are deleted, they do not always disappear completely. And, hopefully, if one method doesn’t work, one of the others will work.

Recently deleted

One of the best among the newest newest features that OS X won is the ability to see all the notes and photos that you recently deleted. Observation: In the beginning the feature it was only available in the Photos app, but Apple implemented it in the Notes app too (as long as you sync them via iCloud). After you delete a note or photo from your Mac, instead of being permanently deleted, it is stored in a directory called Recently Removed, where it will remain for a month. If after a month you don’t use the note or photo, OS X will actually delete them from your drive. The benefit of this is obvious: with a full month until the file actually disappears from your Mac, you have plenty of time to notice if you accidentally deleted a file and recovered it.

Time Machine

However, for files other than notes and photos, the best way to ensure that you will always have them accessible, even if you accidentally delete any of them, is to enable Time Machine. To enable Time Machine on your Mac, all you need to do is access the utility in your Mac’s Preferences and select a disk for the time machine back up for.

Third-party applications

As we shared with you in previous entries, to permanently delete a file from your hard drive, the file must actually be overwritten. So, if you deleted a file from your Mac and were lucky, it can still be recovered by third-party tools. Two very reliable among them are Disk Drill and Data Rescue. Each works by scanning the entire Mac disk for files that are no longer in use and have not yet been overwritten. While both are paid data recovery tools, both offer some limited functionality for free, allowing you to experiment with whether they are what you are looking for. Still, as useful as these options may be, they still depend on the deleted files on your Mac to not have been overwritten to work, so it is always a kind of gamble to use tools like these. The best course of action is definitely to always keep recent backups of your important files and be very careful when deleting anything.

Final note

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