Guide: How to Restore Delet­ed Pass­words in Chrome Browser

While Google Chrome’s built-in password manager doesn’t include all the bells and whistles of a dedicated utility like LastPass or Dashlane, I find it quite suitable for regular use. And since I use Chrome on all my devices, the ability to easily access passwords without having to rely on a third-party application feels liberating. However, there is one obvious downside – Chrome cannot recover passwords. For example, remove a password from Chrome, and it’s gone forever. Whether you did that intentionally or accidentally, the browser only gives you a few seconds to undo your action without you being able to restore it afterwards. And since Chrome will sync your changes as soon as you open it on another device, you won’t be able to retrieve the password that way. The other day, I went to clean up to get rid of unwanted passwords that had accumulated over the years. And quite carelessly, I removed various passwords for sites I often visit. But instead of giving up, I fiddled with a few things and came up with a handy solution that I’m sure you’d like to know.

What you need to recover passwords

Before thinking about recovering deleted passwords, you must have at least one other device with Chrome already installed. However, it should also be specifically one you haven’t used after the debacle with removing your passwords. Otherwise, Chrome would have already synced the changes making the following workaround useless. In my case, I accidentally deleted my passwords on a desktop. At the same time, I had Chrome open on my iPad, which was not allowed. Thankfully, Chrome was still unopened on my Android smartphone since the incident. So if you just deleted your passwords, then absolutely DO NOT open Chrome on your other devices just yet.

Now you may think what I’m going to talk about involves disabling internet access to the device to prevent Chrome from syncing and then recovering the passwords individually. While that’s more than possible, this workaround restores all your passwords as they were, eliminating the hassle of manually jotting down passwords – dozens in some cases – and other credentials.

Password recovery in action

Let’s start with a scenario where I delete several passwords on one of my devices. Once I realized my mistake, I reset Chrome sync on the same device. This action will immediately stop Chrome sync, delete all my data stored on the Google servers, and force me to log out of Chrome on all my other devices. And that means I can then launch Chrome on any device without fear of losing the deleted passwords still stored on it. Since I’m not signed in, Chrome sync won’t work. Now all I have to do is manually log in to Chrome from a device I haven’t opened yet after the incident where I deleted the passwords. After the reset, Google servers no longer have my data and Chrome should start syncing my locally saved browsing data on the device (where all my passwords are intact) with my Google account as if it were again. Then I proceeded to enable Chrome sync on the device where I deleted the passwords. I also log into Chrome on all my other devices. That will keep all devices in sync with the Google servers again, and voila, I have all my passwords intact on all devices! Was all that a bit confusing to you? Not to worry – the steps below should guide you through the entire process of recovering deleted passwords. Note: While the steps start with the desktop version of Chrome, the procedure is the same regardless of the platform. Step 1: In the Chrome settings panel of the device where you initially lost your passwords, click the option labelled Sync. Tip On mobile, you must first tap on your user profile before you can see the Sync option. Step 2: Scroll down and click Manage Synced Data on Google Dashboard. Tip On mobile, the option simply appears as Manage Synced Data. Step 3: On the Chrome sync details page that appears up, scroll to the bottom and click Reset sync.

Step 4: In the confirmation Reset Syncup box, click OK. That prompts Chrome to delete all browsing data stored on Google servers. Furthermore, Chrome sync will be disabled on the current device, while you will also sign out of Chrome on all your other devices.

Step 5: Open Chrome on a device you haven’t used since removing your passwords. Since you’ve reset Chrome sync for your Google account, you should automatically sign out. Go to the Settings screen and log in to sync locally stored data with the Google servers.

Step 6: On the device where you initially deleted your passwords, go to the Settings screen and click Enable sync next to your profile picture. After a short while, look at the password management screen, and you should have the deleted passwords back.

Also, make sure to sign back into Chrome on all your other devices. A final takeaway from the whole process is to choose a device that not only has an unopened copy of Chrome after you deleted your passwords but also one that was most recently synced before the passwords were deleted. That way, you minimize the loss of the amount of new browsing data created up until that moment.

Close Call, right?

Have you got your passwords back? If you had Chrome unopened on any of your other devices, you should have been fine. It’s never fun resetting passwords, and this workaround should prove insanely helpful for anyone looking to avoid major headaches. And while there’s no other way to recover passwords if you’ve already synced Chrome across all of your devices, at least you’ll know what to do the next time something similar happens. I hope Google will introduce a unique password recovery mechanism shortly.

How to Restore Delet­ed Pass­words in Chrome Browser: benefits

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[wpsm_accordion] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”Tutorial summary of How to Restore Delet­ed Pass­words in Chrome Browser”] In this guide, we told you about the How to Restore Delet­ed Pass­words in Chrome Browser; please read all steps so that you understand How to Restore Delet­ed Pass­words in Chrome Browser in case if you need any assistance from us, then contact us. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”How this tutorial helping you?”] So in this guide, we discuss the How to Restore Delet­ed Pass­words in Chrome Browser, which undoubtedly helps you. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”What is actual time in which this method complete?”] The time to complete the How to Restore Delet­ed Pass­words in Chrome Browser tutorial is 10+ minutes. [/wpsm_accordion_section] [wpsm_accordion_section title=”What are the supported Device?”] PC Laptop or Desktop [/wpsm_accordion_section] [/wpsm_accordion] [wpsm_divider top=”2px” bottom=”15px” style=”fadeout”]

Final note

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