How to roll back Windows updates past the 10-day limit – Guide

The “Revert to previous version of Windows” feature is a recovery option available in Windows 11. It allows you to revert to the previous version of the operating system after an upgrade, which is useful if you find that the latest version is unstable or buggy. In most cases, however, you only have 10 days to undo the upgrade. Microsoft has lowered the previous limit from 30 days to 10 days, citing user usage patterns for the feature. Windows is set to delete the old system files that are no longer needed once the user upgrades to the latest version for free up space on the system drive. Old system files are useless if the user doesn’t return to them. Therefore, Microsoft thought it best to remove them after 10 days. Users who feel that they need to test their new version of Windows 10 for more than 10 days before reverting to the older version may trick your computer to not delete older system files. The process is quite simple as it can be achieved simply by renaming the folder containing the previous version so that Windows does not remove it.

Steps to Revert to Previous Version on Windows (After 10 Days)

Since Microsoft stores the previous version files in the Windows.old folder and retains them for 10 days, the trick here is to rename the Windows.old folder. After upgrading to a newer version, you need to rename the Windows.old folder to something else if you want to preserve it. Follow some of the simple steps below to rename the Windows.old folder.

Final note

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