Due to their integration with the host, these containers allow users to share home directories, USB devices, external storage, GUI programs, music and much more. As Linux aficionados, we all want to use multiple operating systems simultaneously because there are so many Linux-based operating systems available. A fantastic way to use Linux distributions from the terminal is with Distrobox. Distrobox is a command line utility that allows access to various Linux operating systems using Docker or Podman, for short. On a Linux desktop, you’re not sure how to launch a terminal window? keyboard keys Ctrl + Alt + T. Alternatively, you can open “Terminal” by selecting it with the mouse from the program menu. Installation can begin as soon as the Terminal window is active. We have mentioned below the steps to run various Linux distributions inside the terminal using Distrobox.

Steps to Run Multiple Linux Distributions Inside Terminal Using Distrobox

Install DistroBox on Linux system

Step 1: installing DistroBox it’s a piece of cake. Simply run the following curl command which downloads and runs the installation script. Step 2: On Fedora, DistroBox is available on copr repository🇧🇷 So enable the Copr repository on Fedora. Step 3: Once the Copr repository is added, use the DNF package manager to install distrobox🇧🇷

Create a container from an image

Step 1: With Distrobox installed, we can now start creating and running containers. To extract an image and run an image container, use the distrobox-create command as follows. Step 2: In this example, we are creating a container called debian10-distrobox from the Debian 10 image. Step 3: The command extracts the Debian 10 image from Docker Hub and create a container called debian10-distrobox🇧🇷 Step 4: For a complete list of supported operating systems and versions for distrobox containers, visit the distrobox project page. Step 5: To list containers created with distroboxrun:

Access to a Distrobox container

Step 1: To access the newly created Linux container shell, use the distrobox-enter command as follows: Step 2: For example, for access our container let’s run the command: Step 3: From here you can run commands inside the container. For example, the following command checks the operating system version. Step 4: You can also install apps. Here we are installing the Neofetch utility tool🇧🇷 Step 5: One time Neofetch is installed, run it as follows.

Run commands in Distrobox container

Step 1: You can run commands directly in a Distrobox Container instead of accessing the shell using the syntax shown. Step 2: In the following commands, we display the container uptime and update the package lists, respectively.

Exporting Applications from Container to Host

Step 1: If you have an application inside the Distrobox Container that you would like to port to the host system, you can do this using the distrobox-export command. But first, access the container shell. $ distrobox-enter –name debian10-distrobox — sudo apt update Step 2: Here, let’s go install flameshotwhich is a free and open source cross-platform tool for taking screenshots. Step 3: to export the application for Fedora let’s run the command: Step 4: For get out of the containerrun: Step 5: Now back to the Fedora host system. For confirm existence of the application, we will perform the search for the application using the Application menu as follows.

Cloning a Distrobox Container

Step 1: Sometimes you may need create a duplicate or clone of a container image🇧🇷 To achieve this, first stop the running container using the podman command Step 2: To get the container ID, run podman ps command to list the currently running containers. Step 3: Once the container is stopped, you can create a duplicate as follows. In this example, we are duplicating the debian10-distrobox distrobox into a clone called debian-10-clone. Step 4: To confirm that the clone was created, re-list the distrobox containers as shown.

Managing Distribution Boxes in Fedora

Step 1: In this last section, we will briefly examine how to manage containers using podman🇧🇷 Step 2: To list all active containers, run: Step 3: To list all running containers, either oneactive and leftrun: Step 4: To stop a container, run the command🇧🇷 Step 5: To remove a container, be sure to stop it first and then remove it🇧🇷

Final Words

We hope you enjoy our article on how to run various Linux distributions inside the terminal using Distrobox. With Distrobox, you can instantly access any container and set it as your terminal’s default configuration. Because of this, many Linux users prefer Distrobox over Toolbox. The most open source operating system on Earth can be used to its full potential. How to use Distrobox to run multiple Linux distributions in terminal It can take a while to install multiple operating systems on virtual computers. You can test various Linux distributions quickly and easily in the terminal thanks to Distrobox. $ podman rm container_ID

How to Run Multiple Linux Distributions Inside Terminal using Distrobox - 2How to Run Multiple Linux Distributions Inside Terminal using Distrobox - 92How to Run Multiple Linux Distributions Inside Terminal using Distrobox - 46How to Run Multiple Linux Distributions Inside Terminal using Distrobox - 40