How to save Images on PC and Mobile from Google Docs – Guide

Cloud storage can be a very convenient way to remotely store your data (photos, videos, music, etc.) using platforms like iCloud and Google Drive. You can then use any of your devices (computers, mobile devices, etc.) to access your data stored in the cloud over the Internet. With the growing demand for higher quality media, the need for more storage space for these media also increases. Since the hardware (eg a hard drive in an iPhone) cannot maintain up with this demand, people are turning to cloud storage to store their data – this leaves room in their mobile free device. Google Drive is Google’s answer to people’s call for cloud storage. Get the most out of your drive – remove duplicates to save time and money. So you configured up your Google Drive and saved some files there. How do you download these files to your computer or phone?

How to export Google Docs images to desktop

Save to Google Keep

Google Docs and Google Keep are connected in useful ways. With two clicks you can copy your notes to Google Docs and vice versa. The latter helps us extract images from Google Docs on PC. You need to save your photo to Google Keep using the feature available and right-click Keep to save the image. This method is one of the easiest and fastest ways to extract a single Google Docs image on the web.

Download as webpage

When you have a lot of images that need to be retrieved from Google Docs, the above method can get tedious. So save your document as a web page on your computer so that all images can be saved there at the same time.

Using Web Publishing

Take a screenshot

If the above methods seem strenuous, you should try the age-old screenshot technique. Once the screenshot is taken, save the image and you have successfully extracted the image from Google Docs. Learn about the different ways to take a screenshot on a Windows computer and take a screenshot on a Mac using the menu bar. You can also try out third-party apps to take screenshots on Windows and Mac.

Final note

I hope you like the guide How to save Images on PC and Mobile from Google Docs. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.

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