How to Save Photos From Gmail to Google Photos Directly – Guide

In the past, if you received photos through Gmail, it was easy to move them to Google Photos. You stored them in Google Drive and they would show up in Google Photos once linked. But recently, Google didn’t like Google Photos and Google Drive anymore. This also affected the way images were moved from an email to Google Photos. With Google Photos’ free unlimited storage policy ending June 1, 2021, it was only a matter of time before Google made some changes and integrated Photos more closely into its Workspace package. Users will be able to save received photos as Gmail attachments directly to Google Photos. Where is this option located and how can you access it? All this is yet to come. Prior to this update, users had “Download” and “Add to Drive” options for Gmail photo attachments. However, if you wanted to save them to your Google Photos library, you would have to go through the hassle of downloading each photo and uploading it to Google Photos. Now you will see a “Save to Photos” button when you hover your mouse over Gmail photo attachments it lets you shorten this process.

How to Save Gmail Photos to Google Photos Directly

Save Gmail images to Google Photos from within an email

Save Gmail Images to Google Photos from a Photo Preview

Final note

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