How to Schedule a Text Message using Google Messages – Guide

Google Messages, an SMS app for Android smartphones, has a built-in scheduling feature. It may happen that users type their text messages but don’t want to send them right away for various reasons. Maybe you don’t want to send a message right away because the recipient is busy or is in a completely different time zone. Or maybe there is important information that you need to submit some time later and you don’t want to ignore it. In that case, you can easily schedule your text message to be sent at a specific time. Google Messages offers several features, including message scheduling and automatic text categorization. Follow the steps below to learn how to send your messages at a different time. Maybe it’s late at night and your partner is sleeping, but you want to ask them to take out the trash in the morning without phone hanging up, or you need to text your boss to remind him of work, but you don’t want to hit send at 1am. In such cases, it is helpful to schedule a text message. Here it is how to schedule a text message using the Google Messages app.

How to schedule a text message with Google Messages

Final note

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