How to Schedule Work Profile on Android – Guide

Digital Wellbeing is an app that helps Android users reduce their smartphone usage so they can better focus on work or simply take a break from the digital world. Since its launch in 2018, the app has gone through several updates, and it seems Google has quietly introduced a new one. feature a few months ago. As we reported, Google was working on a new work profile scheduler that would help users automatically pause all work profile apps when they are no longer in service. This feature was likely added due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which is forcing people around the world to adapt to a work from home environment. Context up a separate work profile on your android device allows you to use the same device for personal and work purposes without affecting your private data stored on it phone. Work-related data is managed by the organization and personal applications, data and usage remain private. Per up a work profile on your Android device.

How to Schedule work profile on Android

Final note

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