Linux is a lot like other operating systems you may have used in the past, such Windows, macOS (formerly OS X), or iOS. Linux features a graphical user interface, similar to other operating systems, and the same kinds of software you are used to using, such word processors, photo editors, video editors, etc. The designer of a piece of software frequently created a Linux version of the same programme that you use on other operating systems. There are a number of programmes that can make screenshotting on your computer more efficient if you do it frequently. However, you cannot capture Linux right-click menus with the majority of these screenshot programmes. Therefore, if you need to snap screenshots of your computer’s right-click or context menus—perhaps to assist someone in troubleshooting a system issue do so. We mentioned below are the ways to Screenshot Right-Click Context Menu on Linux.

Ways to Screenshot Right-Click Context Menu on Linux

Schedule screenshots using Scrot

Schedule screenshots using Gnome Screenshot

Final Words

We hope you like our article on how to Screenshot Right-Click Context Menu on Linux. Compared to other operating systems like Windows, Linux is more secure. Although there are harmful applications for Linux as well, it is less prone to attack than other operating systems. Every programme in Linux requires administrator approval in the form of a password, including applications and viruses. The virus cannot be executed as long as the password is not input. In Linux, an antivirus programme is not necessary.

How to Screenshot Right Click Context Menu on Linux - 11How to Screenshot Right Click Context Menu on Linux - 66How to Screenshot Right Click Context Menu on Linux - 90How to Screenshot Right Click Context Menu on Linux - 4