How to Search Facebook Without an Account – Guide

With an active monthly user base of over 2.2 billion, Facebook is the largest social network in the world. This also makes it the largest people search engine in the world, with the ability to search for people, pages, posts, groups, events, and even photos. You can search people on Facebook not only by name, but also by email addresses and phone numbers. The search results and profile information you see may vary depending on users’ individual privacy settings. While there is no way to view and search Facebook without logging into an account, you can use third-party web applications and search to view public Facebook profiles. You can only view public profiles and starred photos on Facebook without an account, but you can view private profiles. while the search feature is most powerful when you are logged in, there may be times when you want to do a quick Facebook search without logging in. This could be a quick background check on someone you’re considering hiring, or checking a public organization’s page. Like WHO, sometimes it’s not worth going to Facebook to check something out. Facebook is a great resource for interacting with people around the world. Some people just use it for interactions, new friends and encounters, while others exploit it for commercial purposes.

How to Search Facebook without an account

Facebook Directory

If you are not logged in, you will need to verify that you are not a robot before proceeding. After this quick security check, you can search Facebook in three different categories. Encourage people to sign up, Facebook made this process a little tricky. Every time you click on a category or search result, you have to wait for the security check. This also happens when you use the search bar.


Here, you can see a list of Facebook users, sorted alphabetically. Use the search bar on the right to enter the name of the person you are looking for. Search results will depend on each user’s privacy settings. On Facebook, users cannot completely disable surveys. However, they can remove their names from the Directory. They may also restrict the amount of information you can access.


This category covers verified celebrity profiles as well as restaurants and other businesses. If you are looking for a club or an NGO, this is a good place to start. You can also browse brands that have Facebook profiles.

Social search engines

Social search engines aggregate data from social media. You can use them to do general research on Facebook’s user base. For example, this is the best way to find out what Facebook users think about a certain topic. You can use social search engines to search Facebook comments by topic. If you have a keyword in mind, you can find out which demographic groups are most discussing it on Facebook. You will also know if the discussions are positive or negative. Researching market trends on social media would be unthinkable without these tools.


Pipl helps you find people whose name is very common to find in the Facebook Directory. It’s a great option if you have a person’s location as well as their name. Using Pipl, you can also search people based on their phone number or email address. This site is free and has an extremely simple interface. Pipl browses various social media sites besides Facebook. If you’re looking for a specific person, this site is your best bet.

Talkwalker Social Research

Talkwalker is a complete and versatile social search engine. The free version lets you browse mentions during the last seven days. It can be of great help if you are looking for information about a concert, conference or any other event. You can also upgrade to the paid version, which allows you to see data from more than a year.

social researcher

Here’s another great free option. You can use Social Searcher to find people or keywords on Facebook. The site also allows you to filter and sort your search results.

Final note

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