How to Search Open Tabs in Firefox – Guide

If you always have a lot of tabs open and it’s hard to find a specific tab, Mozilla is introducing a feature that will make it easier. Starting with Firefox 66, Mozilla is adding the ability to browse open tabs in Firefox to find a specific tab. In the current version of Firefox 64, you can now search a list of open tabs with a search shortcut in your browser’s address bar. To use this feature, just type % followed by a space and then the keyword you want to search for. The browser will list all tabs whose titles match the keyword entered. To do this feature more familiar and easier to use, Firefox is adding another option in Firefox 66 to take you to the “Find Tabs” shortcut. Going forward, a new “Find Tabs” option will appear in the list of all open tabs as shown below. This Tabs menu will only appear if you have many tabs open in a browser window.

How to Quickly search open tabs in Firefox

method 1

When you have many tabs open in Mozilla Firefox on your computer, the browser allows users to search for a specific tab.

method 2

Final note

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