How to See How Much Time You’ve Spent on YouTube – Guide

YouTube is a video sharing site. Millions of users around the world have created accounts on the site that allow them to upload videos that anyone can watch. Every minute, more than 35 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every day. Video files can be very large and are often too large to email to someone. When uploading a video to YouTube, you can share it simply by sending the other person a “link”, which is the “address” of the appropriate web page. When YouTube launched in 2005, it was aimed at publishing and sharing original videos. Since then, however, it has also become an archive where favorite clips, songs and jokes are stored, as well as a marketing site for companies to advertise their products. Nowadays, the term “viral video” is commonly used. It refers to a music video that people liked so much that they emailed the link to millions of other people around the world – then it spread like a virus. Google announced the release of a new “statistic” feature which allows you to track how much time you spend watching videos. THE feature it’s part of the company’s “Digital Wellbeing” initiative, which was showcased at the Google IO developer conference earlier this year. The idea is to add features your apps and services that help you better balance your technology and your personal life. Like “Take a break” feature for YouTube, this feature will help you manage the time you spend (or waste) on the platform. Time is divided into four different categories, including the day, the day before, the last week, and the daily average. Statistics are generated based on YouTube’s watch history, which records the videos you’ve watched on the platform.

How to see how much time you spent on youtube

Final note

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