How to See Lyrics on Spotify – Guide

It’s a pleasant experience to see the lyrics of the songs while playing music on your computer or mobile devices. If you use Spotify, whether desktop or mobile client, now you can find the lyrics of your favorite songs on Spotify. It can be a big surprise for users who like to sing along to the lyrics while listening to the music and artists they love. Are you curious about what a certain song lyric means, or do you just want to sing along? From now on, you can see Spotify song lyrics when listening using the mobile application or the desktop application. However, this feature is only available for songs that offer this feature, therefore, this option is not available for all songs. Still, it’s very easy to view and even share song lyrics. If you want to see the lyrics to a song, whether it’s singing along, checking out a lyric you’re not sure about, or sharing a verse you’re particularly excited about, you can do that now on Spotify. At the time of writing this article, the rollout is still in progress, so please feature is not yet available for all accounts. But many already have. Learn how to get lyrics on Spotify here.

How to see lyrics on Spotify on your iPhone or Android device

Final note

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