How to Self-Destruct WhatsApp Messages by Default – Guide

Messages that disappear from WhatsApp feature was released earlier this year and allows users to send messages that automatically disappear after seven days. Recently, however, WhatsApp received a new update that adds more duration to the self-destruct timer. You now have the option to automatically delete chats after 24 hours, 7 days, or 90 days. by default. In addition, the company offers much more flexibility in time. While previously you could only delete messages after 7 days, WhatsApp now gives you the option to delete messages after 24 hours or 90 days as well. This is a welcome choice as everyone has a different idea of ​​what persistent messages should look like. For some people, a day is enough, making conversations almost as ephemeral as real-time conversations in the grand scheme of things. Others may want to keep their chat history a little longer so they can go back and access messages if needed.

Steps to enable self-destruct for all WhatsApp messages by default

Final note

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