How to Send Images in high Quality On WhatsApp – Guide

By default, the application aims to reduce data usage. Compared to some other chat apps, WhatsApp consumes comparatively less data. This is mainly due to the way he handles photos. The chat app will automatically resize the photo and send a compressed version to the other party. Even if the photo is of high quality, it acts as an image compressor and reduces the quality of the photo before submission. WhatsApp is used to share all types of files including photos, videos and documents and can be a big data intensive application if the settings are not configured correctly. The app has a storage and data option that lets you manage your settings in a way that can save phone Dice. The in-app memory management option allows you to review and delete items that you find useless. It shows files larger than 5MB, files that have been forwarded too many times, and how much disk space each chat is using. You can also choose when the app downloads the media: about mobile data, over Wi-Fi or roaming. The app compresses the image because when you start uploading or downloading original or high-quality photos, you will lose most of your mobile data in the process. The application therefore compresses the image quality to minimize data usage. However, this can sometimes be very debilitating as the user loses the original image quality of the photos.

How to send high quality images on WhatsApp

Final note

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