How to Set an Internet Data Limit on Windows 11 PC – Guide

It’s no secret that Windows is one of the most demanding operating systems in terms of data usage. And if you have a limited data plan, it becomes important to actively monitor and limit your PC’s internet usage. Whether you want to limit internet usage on your PC or just want to know how much data your favorite apps are using. Windows 11 lets you monitor and set data usage limits for Wi-Fi and Ethernet networks. It’s a practical feature to keep an eye on your data usage and ensure you don’t exceed your monthly bandwidth allowance on a metered connection. Windows 11 lets you monitor and set data usage limits for Wi-Fi and Ethernet networks. It’s a practical feature to keep an eye on your data usage and ensure you don’t exceed your monthly bandwidth allowance on a metered connection. Although for some reason Windows 11 includes a link to set network limits for specific networks it does not work and redirects users to the current Wi-Fi network settings.

How to Set Data Usage Limit in Windows 11

You can set data usage limits for Wi-Fi and Ethernet networks on the Settings page. Setting a data usage limit will not automatically stop your computer from using more data when you exceed the limit. But it will warn you when you are close to the set threshold to take further action. To set the data usage limit in Windows 11:

Final note

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