How to Set Up and Use ADB Wirelessly With Android – Guide

In this guide we cover an incredible trick execute ADB commands only via WiFi, no USB cable required. Android Debugging Bridge, or better known as BAD, is one of the most powerful command line tools for Android devices. As part of the Android SDK and Platform Tools, it allows a successful connection between your PC and your Android device. From booting your device to quick start or recovery mode, going through custom recovery or loading in sideload mode, the possibilities are endless. With that in mind, we have already covered a detailed guide in some of the more powerful ADB commands. In the meantime, you will need a USB cable if you need to run one of these ADB commands. Unless you have connected your device to PC via USB, you cannot run any of these adb commands. Or a general notion. But today, I discovered an amazing hack that allows you to run any ADB command on your device via WiFi network without using a USB cable. But before starting the same work, you should keep in mind some important conditions.

How to To define Up ADB

if you already defined up ADB on your Android and PC, so you can skip this step. If not, there’s a first time for everything! To use ADB on your system, you first need to download and unzip the Android SDK Platform Tools from the Android developer website. Mac users can use Homebrew to install ADB using the command: brew install homebrew/cask/android-platform-tools On your Android device, you will need to enable USB debugging in the developer settings before connecting the device via ADB. Go to Settings > About phone then tap the build number several times. Again, go to Settings > Developer Options and enable USB debugging. Once this is done, connect the Android device to your PC using a USB cable. Make sure to always enable the USB debug prompt that will appear on your Android device. Open the command line or Terminal and navigate to the Platform Tools folder. If you’re on Windows, you can go to the downloaded platform tools folder and open the PowerShell window by pressing Shift and right-clicking anywhere in the folder and selecting Open PowerShell Window Here. Now type adb devices in the command prompt and press Enter. If everything works as it should, you will see your device’s serial number in the list of connected devices.

How to Use Android ADB Wireless

Now comes the crux of the matter, which is How to establish a wireless ADB connection with your Android. once you defined up ADB and connected your Android device to your PC, follow the steps below to use ADB wirelessly.

Final note

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