How to Set Up and Use Alexa to Get Help in an Emergency – Guide

Alexa is your new best friend. You can find the virtual assistant in the kitchen, in the living room and even in the bedroom. But did you know that technology can help you out of an emergency situation? He literally has your back. Alexa comes equipped with an emergency assistance feature that you can activate in the Alexa app to get help when you need it most. O feature aims to provide an extra layer of security for those who may be in a difficult or dangerous situation. You need to choose someone you trust and who can help if needed. They must also have a US phone number listed in your contact information. Alexa will text your emergency contact to confirm they are important in an emergency. They can call and message you through Alexa on any device. This is a good option for an elderly family member, a child who home alone, or a person with a disability who may not have access to a phone. Emergency Aid feature it’s just another way Alexa makes your life easier. With this new addition, you can be sure you have someone you can trust in an emergency.

How to designate an emergency contact

Final note

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