Configuring your Android phone’s Bedtime mode can help remind you when it’s time to wind down and make it easier to put your phone away instead of doom scrolling into the wee hours of the morning. Some soothing music may be just what you need to drift off to sleep, and Google is here to help. Building on previous foundations, the Clock for Android apps now includes a dedicated bedtime mode that can activate at a preset time and remind you to start playing some relaxing music or soundscapes. We mentioned below are the ways to Set Up Bedtime Schedule on Android Smartphone.

Ways to Set Up Bedtime Schedule on Android Smartphone

Enabling Bedtime mode in Digital Wellbeing

Enabling Bedtime mode in Google Clock

Final Words

So here we conclude our article on how to Set Up Bedtime Schedule on Android Smartphone. Bedtime mode is one of the few smartphone apps that is intended to help you use your phone less. Configuring your Android phone’s Bedtime mode can help remind you when it’s time to wind down and make it easier to put your budget phone away instead of doom scrolling into the wee hours of the morning.

How to Set Up Bedtime Schedule on Android Smartphone - 22How to Set Up Bedtime Schedule on Android Smartphone - 30How to Set Up Bedtime Schedule on Android Smartphone - 4How to Set Up Bedtime Schedule on Android Smartphone - 78How to Set Up Bedtime Schedule on Android Smartphone - 84How to Set Up Bedtime Schedule on Android Smartphone - 42