How to Set Up Communication Limits on iPhone and iPad – Guide

Apple added new communication limits to its screen time options in iOS 13.3, allowing parents to regulate who their children can contact. If you are not aware of Apple Screen Time features, they allow you to track your device usage and set self-imposed time limits on how much time you spend on your iPhone or iPad. Parents can use Screen Time as a parental control method. Communication Limits, the newest feature, allows parents to control who their children can contact via FaceTime, PhoneMessages and iCloud Contacts. The new features include the ability to contact only contacts or everyone during a child’s allowed screen time, as well as a toggle that allows or prevents others from joining a group chat while a contact or family member is present. There is also an option for downtime communication limitations, which can be configured to allow all or only selected contacts. Set your child’s Screen Time and Idle Time options by following the instructions below.

How to Set Communication Limits During Allowed Screen Time on iOS

How to Set communication limits during downtime on iOS

Final note

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