Guide: How to Set Up Life360 on Your Child’s Phone

Life360 is one of the most popular family location tracking apps on the market. It is used by countless families to ensure the safety of their loved ones and to avoid annoying, time-consuming texting. Instead of letting your child explain where he or she is, just look at the map in the Life360 app, and that’s it. While the app doesn’t necessarily have to be used by families, its primary purpose is to help parents keep track of their children. Here is how to set up Life360 on your child’s phone.

Why you should set it up Up?

As you no doubt know, children tend to be somewhat headstrong. You can tell them a million times to do something, and they still won’t listen. Sure, you can use your serious voice, but instead of nagging them about the right attitude up their Life360 account and circle presence, maybe just do it yourself.

Add a family member

The general idea behind Life360 is something called ‘a circle’. Essentially, the circles are what makes this app family-friendly. They guarantee that a random stranger cannot just show up in your circle and learn about the location information of your loved ones. The only way to join a circle is to be invited by a registered user. This is done in the app only and you must have a registered account to do this. Go to it App Store or Google Play depending on whether you are using Android or iOS. To register your account, you must provide your email address, and phone number and create a strong password. After installing the app and registering your account, launch it by tapping the icon. You will see a map appear with your current circle. You will see a at the bottom of the screen button called Invite new members or a + icon depending on which app version you are using. You will then receive an invitation code that you must send to your family members so they can join your circle. Select Send code and choose which platform to use to send it. Then enter your child’s phone number and just tap Send. This will send them the invitation code and the app’s download link.

Join the circle

Now you can place your own phone down and work with your child. Open the message you just sent from your phone. Follow the provided link to download the app. After installing Life360 on it phone, sign them up. To do this, you must enter their name, email address and phone number. You will then be asked to enter the sent invitation code. Copy it, paste it and accept the invitation in the circle to get the base installation of Life360 on the phone.

Advanced settings

If you followed the outlined instructions carefully, your child’s Life360 family circle should be all set up. Well, at least on a basic level. One of the first things to do when it comes to the advanced installation is set up up the places feature. To understand the place feature, you must know the Check-in function.

To check-in

If you want to know if your child has arrived at their location, you can tell him/her to use the check-in option which pings everyone in your circle and notifies him / her of your child’s arrival. While easy to find and just a few clicks away, this is it feature still needs to be used manually by your child. However, children tend to forget things and ignore your concerns as a parent.


That is why the app offers the Places feature that essentially allows you to select a few locations that you will be notified of when a circle member visits. The same goes for when they leave the location – you will be notified if you wish.

Institution up a place is simple, fast and straightforward. Go to it Menu in the app, tap Placeand select Add place. You can enter the exact address of the place you want to add or use the map to navigate it. Now just name the location (usually school, kindergarten, library, gym, etc.). Finish by selecting Save. You can then set the warning and notification options for each place.

What should you explain to your child?

It is important for your child to fully understand some things about Life360. First, you should stress how important it is for them to check in, especially if they are going to a location they don’t usually visit. Next, you explain that they are their phone and tell you their battery is dead or they were experiencing network problems. No. This app is much smarter than that. First, it shows the current battery level of each member of the circle. Plus, if your child is out of network range, that’s exactly what the app will say. Explain to your child that they cannot trick you using this app because the developers designed it to recognize it. In fact, this is why Life360 is one of the most popular apps out there.

Fully set up Up!

Once you set up their account up, and once you’re done with all the advanced tweaks and settings, you’re pretty much good to go. All you need to do now is show your child that they can’t just hide their location. Are you ready up Life360 on your child phone in person? Which places have you added? You are welcome to share your experience in the comments section below.

How to Set Up Life360 on Your Child’s Phone: benefits


Final note

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