How To Set Various languages For Each of your Android Apps – Guide

Android is clearly not designed for bilingual users. If you set a default system locale, all applications on your phone will use the language of that region — and there is no granular control here. This really becomes an issue when you use social media or news apps that are mostly in another language as the apps are often written in the developer’s native language and then poorly translated into all other languages. So, if you’re struggling with Android’s language barrier, you might want to check out an Xposed module by developer Zhang Fangxian. You can set per-app locales, which means you can use a different language in each of your Android apps and eventually recover the nuances that are always lost in translation. As per the research, an Android user downloads nearly 20 to 40 apps on their smartphone. Each application uses the language of the region if you have set the system default locale. After that, all the apps we install will use the language of the default region. Another thing is that apps are usually written in the developer’s native language. So even if you change the app language through a third party app, it will be mistranslated.

How to set multiple languages ​​for each of your Android apps

So, to deal with these issues, we will share an easy method that would help you to set different languages ​​for each of your Android apps. Let’s check.

Using application locale

App Locale is an Xposed module that allows users to set the language per app. Per up and to use this module Android users need to have the Xposed framework installed on the device. Here it is how to use the application locale.

Final note

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