Guide: How to Setup and Use Shared Reminders in iOS

The Reminders app in iOS is a great way to keep track of all the tasks and events that take up your day. And while reminders are nice on an individual basis, you can actually share a list of reminders with other iCloud users to make them truly useful, no matter if it’s your spouse, kids, roommates, friends, or business associates, as long as they have an active iCloud account, you can set up shared reminders for things like shopping lists, bill payments, travel preparations, or collaboration projects. Here is how to set shared reminders in iOS!

Share a reminder list

First of all, note that while we’re using an iPhone in our sample screenshots, these steps also work for the Reminders app on your iPad or iPod touch. To get started, first launch the Reminders app and you will see your Reminders Lists. I’ve already created a new list to share, but you can share an existing list or create a new one if you wish. Once your list is created, tap it to expand the list:With the list expanded, tap Edit top right:This reveals two options at the top of the list. Select Parts:On the next screen, tap Add person:Then tap the To field and search your contacts for the person or people you want to share the reminder list with. They don’t need to have an iPhone or iPad (you can use Reminders online at, but they must have an active iCloud account. Once you’ve selected your contacts, tap Add:You will then see a summary of the people who have been invited to share your reminders list. Each person will receive an email notification that they must accept to complete the process. Until they do, you’ll see a Pending status under their name. When you’re done, tap Done.When you return to your reminders list, you’ll see Shared with … below your shared reminders, which makes it easy to see which lists are private or shared. Once your invitees have accepted, anyone in the shared reminder list can add, edit, or delete items so the whole group can stay in sync.

Remove someone from a shared reminder list

If you later want to remove one of your contacts from a shared reminder list, return to the Share to screen (Reminder> Edit> Share). Find the person you want to remove and swipe from right to left across their name. A red stop sharing button appears on the right. Tap it to delete the person. If you remove all members from a shared reminder list, it effectively becomes a private list that only you can see.Shared memories are a non-life-without- feature for me. I mean I’m forgetful so anything I can do to combat my natural tendencies is great. However, I can see where it can be problematic for some – after all, you can’t claim to have forgotten to buy milk when you have a constantly synchronized grocery list in your pocket! We live in the future. A strange future where getting away with being forgetful isn’t that easy.

How to Setup and Use Shared Reminders in iOS: benefits


Final note

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