How to share a Wi-Fi network password on an Android Device – Guide

You could write it down and give it to them on a piece of paper, but that’s not very secure. and configuration up a guest WiFi network can be a hassle. Fortunately, there are ways to quickly share these credentials without putting your network at risk. Here it is how to do it from an iPhone, iPad, Mac, Android device and Windows PC. Apple makes this a seamless process as long as everyone has an iPhone, iPad or Mac and everything is set. up correctly. To share your Wi-Fi password, both devices must have Wi-Fi and Bluetooth turned on and connected to iCloud with their respective Apple IDs. You must also have saved each other’s email addresses in Contacts. When all these requirements are met, place both devices within Bluetooth and Wi-Fi range and make sure the sharing device is unlocked and connected to the network. No internet, let the device choose the network to share and a message should appear on the screen of the sharing device. Touch Share Password to give the other device access to the Wi-Fi network. Android devices share Wi-Fi passwords through QR code generation, so Apple devices can obtain login credentials in the same way. To share and receive a password, your Android device must be running Android 10 or later.

How to Share Your WiFi on Android

With Android devices, you can use a QR code to share Wi-Fi details as long as the phones or tablets in question are running Android 10 or later. See how:

Final note

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