How to share and send photos on Apple Watch – Guide

The Apple Watch has received some major updates, including support for Portrait Mode for Dial, the Mindfulness app, and more. But one of the lowest features was the ability to share files. he is right! You can now share photos with anyone else via Apple Watch messages and email. Let’s see how you do it.

How to send photos from your Apple Watch using the Watch’s Photos app

The limitations of sharing and sending photos from your Apple Watch

While it’s amazing that we have the functionality to send photos from our Apple Watch, there are some limitations. Also, you may have limited the maximum number of photos you watch in stores. Right now, your watch can store between 25 and 500 photos, but you set this maximum.

To change your watch’s maximum photo limit:

How to share photos sent from a text message on Apple Watch

If you have multiple images to share, you will need to repeat these steps for each image. We hope that Apple will soon support sharing multiple photos at the same time!

How to save photos from text messages using Apple Watch

another amazing feature is that we can now save photos in the Photos app on our iPhone from text messages that we interact with on our Apple Watch.

Final note

I hope you like the guide How to share and send photos on Apple Watch. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.