How to Share Real-time Location On Google Maps – Guide

Google Maps is without a doubt one of the best navigation apps in the world. It has a variety of features that not only allow users to easily traverse unfamiliar nooks and crannies, but also intelligently plan their daily commute by tracking public transport. Recently, Google has added a number of new features to the app to help users travel sustainably. In the US, it introduced an eco-friendly routing option that helps users get to their destination quickly, optimizing their route to consume less fuel. Google also announced live navigation for cyclists. This one feature allows users to see important details about their route without having to leave the screen on or enter turn-by-turn navigation. Additionally, Google has introduced bike and scooter sharing information to Google Maps. This one feature allows people in 300 cities around the world to determine the number of vehicles available at a station at any given time. In addition to these features, Google has also introduced functions that allow Maps users to identify the busiest areas of a city at any given time, or even easily pass airports, malls and train stations.

How to Share Real-time location on Google Maps

Final note

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